#016: The Hardest Part of Podcasting? Sticking With It.

Why do so many podcasts never make it past episode 20?

Because the results don’t come fast enough.

That’s what Jason Greenwood and I unpacked in the latest Podjunction Podcast. He shared something that really stuck with me:

“Be prepared for a long, long, long, long period of not much traction.”

Jason Greenwood

Most people want instant results - viral episodes, big followings, and the kind of overnight success that rarely (if ever) happens. And when they don’t see it? They quit. That’s why podfade is so common.

But here’s the truth: your audience will grow alongside your skills and capability.

If you’re putting in the work—showing up, experimenting, getting better—good things will come. They may not come in the way you expect, but they will come.

Jason compared it to going to the gym. You don’t get fit after one session. But after 100? You start to see the gains. Podcasting (and content creation in general) works the same way.

I get it - it’s hard to keep going when it feels like no one is listening. But if you push through those early stages, you’ll find your voice. You’ll build confidence. And eventually, your audience will find you.

So, if you’re thinking of starting a podcast - or anything new - don’t let the fear of slow progress stop you.

Just start.

Keep going.

And the good things?

They’ll come.

🎧 Catch the full episode with Jason Greenwood for more insights on trusting the process and sticking with it and much much more!

What’s the best piece of advice someone gave you when you were starting out?

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Sadaf Beynon
Host | Podjunction Podcast